Take back your time and sanity by navigating special education with a one-of-a-kind team of parents who just get it.

screenshot of The Dream Team Introductions space in a macbook frame

this community is for you if:

  • You want to join a brand new community where you can form connections with other parents who can relate to your experience and approach problem-solving in a compassionate and collaborative way

  • You have specific special education questions and want a response to every question

  • You want support to help you feel empowered to engage with your school without an advocate or representative present

  • You want a more private, safer, and controlled environment to discuss special education than traditional social media often provides

  • You want to know that you are not alone in your experience with special education

  • You want to be a part of a something new where your voice matters for its growth and development

this community isn’t for you if:

  • You are seeking an in-depth records review or discussion about specifics related to your child’s special education

  • You are seeking an Advocate, Special Education Attorney, or legal advice of any kind

  • You prefer to process through expressing frustration. This is totally valid. This stuff is hard. This community is focused on seeing the good in the IEP team as a foundation for problem-solving instead of conversations about others wrong-doings.

  • You are happy with other communities you are already apart of and don’t think you need more support

  • You haven’t found anything on this site funny so far

  • You don’t want to be asked for your input to contribute to the development of the community

just three quick steps


Apply to join the waitlist! We have some testers in there now, but the community officially opens January 2024.


Complete the application. We appreciate you taking the time to make sure we are your people!


Hang tight while we learn about you! You’ll get a response within one week of applying.

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • It is a place where you belong. it is a place where you share core values with those around you. It is where you are supported, lifted up, and empowered. It is all of the things you love about any community you are a part of!

  • This is a community for parents with children in special education who want to come together to share their successes, struggles, and just plain-old life with people who get it.

  • No! We understand that this connection and information is helpful for parents who do not yet have kiddos in special education. You may have a child on a 504, another school plan, or have questions about getting familiar with special education processes if you have concerns about your child in school. However, though you do not have to have a child in special education, please be mindful that this is a safe place for parents deeply invested in this topic. Please apply only if this community would enhance your ability to support your child, and if you can help others do so as well.

  • This is such a valid question. Special Education can be so overwhelming, confusing, and frustrating. I see you if you are someone who needs a place to vent about the difficult experiences you’ve had. We want to hear about your struggles here. It is such an important part of your experience. This community’s focus is on hearing those struggles in a forward-thinking, productive way where we validate you and help you find the best next steps without the stress of too much negativity weighing you down.

  • There are two reasons for this. One, truly special communities are built on trust and belonging. To cultivate that, it is our responsibility to make sure that our members share similar values. This does not mean there may not be moments of conflict. This means that members agree to approach that conflict and all discussions with empathy, an open mind, and a consideration of human rights at their core. Two, we respect that you want to know where you are investing your finances. We do not want you to pay to become a part of the team that turns out not to be best for you. Transparency is very important to us.

  • Yes! Any question you post to the community or direct message to the founder will be answered. We promise. We do not monitor private conversations, so we cannot ensure that direct messages to anyone who is not the founder will be answered.

  • This is a great question. It totally makes sense to wonder why you would pay for a community that seem to be offered for free elsewhere. This is a two part answer that highlights the value of the community. The first part is logistical. This community has features that free communities typically do not. Once the community begins, we will be creating downloadable resources, courses, and webinars voted on my the founding members. You also have access to the founder within the community, carefully crafted group spaces, and live events from the very start. The second is emotional. This community is carefully moderated to ensure it is a safe space to share, be supported, and get your questions answered. A membership fee helps potential applicants consider if this is truly the place they want to be.

  • Well, okay, that was hurtful. Look, this stuff gets really serious. Rightfully so. This is your child’s education. We believe that in this being a serious topic that there is room for humor alongside the heavy moments. Laughter lifts you up. And, when you are lifted up, you can do more powerful work.