Julianna O'Day standing on one foot holding a Macbook in an office.


I was a School Adjustment Counselor for the first 7 years of my career. I supported kids and families who were navigating all different stages of the special education process.

I saw first-hand how hard it can be. The system is overwhelming. It’s a process that’s often new and foreign to us and filled with jargon that makes your head spin. Most of all, while it’s a process that brings relief to some families, it brings incredible stress to others.

So, what was the difference between families who struggled, were completely stressed out, and felt hopeless and the ones who felt confident and proud about their child’s education? They were connected and they approached the process with compassion. They were part of some sort of community, big or small, that offered them what being alone cannot: a sense of belonging in a group of people who just get it. It immediately reduces stress, increases confidence, and gives you back meaningful time to spend with your child instead of worrying about them.

Some parents are lucky enough to have or find that community in person. For those who aren’t or who are looking for more, there are very few, if any, outlets for parents to feel safe in learning and connecting about their experience with special education.

That’s what I hope to bring to you.

I’m an old soul who has always cared about supporting people. My friends have been calling me “mom” since we were 18. I bring people together. I check in. I make sure you’re drinking enough water and being kind to yourself. It’s what I do. Humans are meant to be connected. This is especially important during times of stress. And any parent who has tried to navigate special education knows how stressful it can be.

At this point, you might be thinking “you really should have just been a therapist if you like helping people with stress so much.” Joke’s on you. I am. I’m not a therapist in this community, but it is another important part of me. Everything in my core screams to spend my time helping people. It’s just what I love to do.

What you do is dream big about changing the way we navigate and connect about special education. I’m just giving you the platform. Join your Dream Team. We’ll do it together.

apply to join the waitlist to be part of your dream team

That is who I am.

Julianna O'Day sitting on the floor smiling and holding an iced coffee.

Who am I not?

I am not a special education advocate or attorney. You couldn’t tell by the ripped jeans? Of course you could. Advocates can be wonderful, highly educated and incredibly important people on your path to getting your child what they need. Some special education journeys simply require that level of professional support for very valid reasons.

It is not my goal to act as a representative to families with these needs. It is my goal to host a community for parents who want to collaborate to feel empowered to act on their own behalf, or for additional support if you and your family do already work with outside professionals.

apply to join the waitlist if you think you can trust someone in ripped jeans

 Our Values

We believe that special education has become incredibly confusing, negative, and isolating. This is fueling stress, contention, and stalled progress for the amazing kiddos who need it most. The thing is, humans are deeply compassionate and only oppositional when they don’t feel cared about. We believe that connection and compassion creates a safe space for parents to be heard and supported, and that this is the key getting children what they need and reducing your stress in the process.

Well-meaning individuals have tried to connect parents who are seeking connection in special education groups online. Many of these groups haven’t been nurtured, though, and have become full of hate, spam, and misinformation. This is bringing parents down when a community should be lifting them up. We want to stop special education from tearing apart relationships. Instead, we want to bring those relationships closer together.

It is our mission to bring together special education’s most compassionate and creative thinkers who believe this too. We are parents, teachers, administrators and service providers creating change through the power of connection so your child can have the meaningful education you have worked so hard for them to have. We are your dream team.